Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ethical issue Custom Essay

Select a health policy or ethical issue topic of interest and analyze the problem. Describe the nature of the issue, the affect on healthcare delivery, public health or a special population and explain your personal
position on the issue. The paper must include a literature search and articles from peer edited journals as well as other sources. Explain the significance of the issue using epidemiologic data and outline a
possible solution.
the ethical issue I am choosing is when you give medication at the end of life/terminal patients meant to decrease suffering but it will end up killing them. I am concerned about the ethical issue of this practice. I
am attaching files that will explain the issue and a rubric how this will be graded and what should be included in it. you can add to sum up at least eight references. the literature search I used is palliative

Carnagie The gospel of wealth and Karl Marx “the communist manifesto”

Read the gospel of wealth and the communist manifesto and do the reading worksheet i will upload type in the space provided and no more than that. Choose two quotes and say why they’re important or what
they tell us or reflect the reading. summarize it.ead the gospel of wealth and the communist manifesto and do the reading worksheet i will upload type in the space provided and no more than that. Choose two quotes and say why they’re important or what
they tell us or reflect the reading. summarize it.

Microeconomics project: A review of effective government tax policies,some recommendations

*Purpose of the tax
*Effective tax policy.
this is for 2 page essay related plus ppt 2 slides due in 2 days as well


The essay asks you to respond to and complete the following statement:
"I need feminism because ... "

Submit this assessment as a written piece 

Need to incorporate the following:

1. An understanding of and reference to the theoretical frameworks and texts which inform feminism, Women's and Gender studies and which have relevance for you

Nuclear in Australia yes/no why

Classification of Mental Illness

The class is called "Philosophy of mind and mental illness” .

Nuclear power in Australia yes/no why

Health Systems

Prepare a 2 to 4 page research paper, following the APA guidelines, on one of the following topics:
1. Role of Government in Health Policy: State and Federal governments have a large role in establishing health policy. Discuss the roles of your state’s government and the federal government in establishing health policy, including: the areas of healthcare affected by the policies, what mechanisms are used to enforce the policies, and the process of changing policies once they have been established.
2. Quality of Care: Quality of Care has become an important part of healthcare in recent years. Discuss quality of care to include assessment methods, role of clinical guidelines and strategies when attempting to implement clinical guidelines. Further, describe why quality improvements initiatives have become common place in healthcare.
3. Ethical Issue: Ethics plays such an important role in healthcare that entire classes are offered on the subject and hospitals have entire committees dedicated to ensuring the ethical provision of services. Briefly discuss healthcare ethics including the cardinal principles, differences between public health and medical ethics, issues related to financing and delivery of health services, and mechanisms for resolving ethical issues in health care.

Some areas of knowledge seek to describe the world, whereas others seek to transform it.” Explore this claim with reference to two area of knowledge.

Nursing interventions

Provide a description of nursing interventions for an elderly patient with these 4 issues:
poor diet/rapid weight loss
Home safety/prevention of injury
depression in older adult due to loss of spouse

Pesticides and neurodevelopment

You have read an article by James Hamblin, The Toxins That Threaten Our Brain, which described neurodevelopmental effects of several chemicals.  Among these was the pesticide chlorpyrifos. You also read a commentary in Environmental Health Perspectives that described three articles on organophosphate pesticide exposure in utero and child neurodevelopmental outcomes. These are pesticides which continue to be used and to which we are all exposed.

Answer one of the following questions and respond to at least one other post. See the discussion rubric for detail on grading for discussion board posts.

Select one of the following statements on which to comment. You may agree or disagree with the statement. Provide support from your readings for this module or other sources in your discussion board post.

1. There is not a public health concern about organophosphate pesticides because they are well-regulated

2. There is insufficient evidence that OP pesticides harm children's health

3. The EPA is doing all that it can to protect our health from pesticide exposures

4. It is possible to completely eliminate exposure to pesticides by adopting an organic diet


An Untouched Landscape?

In American history, at the time of European contact the continent is often described as a "pristine" or "virgin" wilderness. Native Americans are frequently treated as few in number and as a "natural" part of the landscape; people who lived in harmony with nature and left a light footprint. But how accurate is this view?

Read the following articles and consider the "myth" of a pristine American landscape...

Environmental Impact of American Indian Farms-John Barrat

America's Pristine Myth-Charles C. Mann.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window

Pristine Myth-Denevan.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window

Then, write a short paper that answers the following questions.

Paragraph 1: In your own words, explain the "myth of the pristine wilderness"?

Paragraph 2: Briefly discuss the "main points" of the articles by Barrat and Mann.

Paragraph 3: Briefly--What is Denevan's hypothesis? Cite at least three specific examples of evidence Denevan uses to support his claims-including a min. of one example of writings from the early European explorers and settlers. In the section on "Recovery", what does he say happened between 1750 and 1492 to change the landscape and give later European settlers the impression of an empty wilderness? Why did eyewitness reports after 1750 seem to support this impression (see the Conclusion page 11-13)? Read carefully to identify Denevan's views. He frequently cites other authors who disagree with him!

Paragraph 4: Sum up: In a few sentences discuss whether or not you find the arguments/theories/hypotheses in these articles persuasive? Why do you think this information is or is not important to be aware of? Does it change anything about your perceptions of the pre-Columbian Americas?

ROLE TRANSITIONS Advanced Professional Roles and Values

African Americans in Latin America

This is a group paper, you need only to write about the introduction because my part is the introduction. I added other part to be familiar with the outlines of the whole project.
(3 pgs) Introduction: My part that you will write.
• History of African Americans in Latin America
• Outline (in order)
• Thesis (points that will be spoken about)

Systems Change For Quality Improvement


Persuasive writing

Case Assignment
NOTE: It is suggested that students complete the Module 4 SLP before completing the Case.
Module 4 Case is a Persuasive essay in which the writer encourages the reader to give in some way to a worthy cause. The writer must first select a licensed not-for-profit organization with a web presence
before identifying a specific audience and appeal(s). Please note that giving comes in all shapes and sizes and not just financial contributions.
A significant part of persuasive writing is appeal. Various appeals in your essay may be used to encourage your target audience to act. It may be helpful to imagine you’re writing a persuasive speech in which
you must capture your audience’s attention, reel them in with specific details (and appeals), and then seal the deal with the close in which you leave them with a lasting impression.
As always, a well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a
brief background on the organization or cause. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis statement would likely be the ways in which your reader can “give.”
A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that
states the main point of the paragraph. Perhaps each paragraph could explain in detail the specific ways to give.


Answer these questions:
1)What is meant by “rape culture”
2)what are its characteristics, and what is its relationship to issues of “victims and victimization”?
3) What actions can we take at the grassroots and policy levels to combat rape culture?

Australian Social Policy

There are TWO parts/questions to this essay.
This topic revolves around the AUSTRALIAN social policies. In specific, Family Policy & Child Care AND Indigenous Social Policy in Australia.
FIRST part of the question (275 WORDS, 3 IN-TEXT REFERENCING): “What are the arguments for and against the policy moves which require single parents in receipt of Parenting Payment to look for
work when their youngest child reaches the age of 8 years, and young parents (up to 19 years old) to return to school to complete Year 12 or to undertake a Certificate II course when their child reaches one
year of age?”

To Study Shopping Behaviour In Irish Shoppers

Policy and Curriculum

Either: A critical analysis of an aspect of education policy that has been or is being implemented
Or: A critical analysis of policy text(s) my pathway is education management and leadership M&L

Written summary of presentation

Students as individuals will write a 500-word discussion paper suggesting solutions/alternatives recommendations/future visions for the issues raised in their creative piece. This work must use correct
referencing and evidence to support the points made. Points will be awarded for structure / flow/ and soundness of the arguments presented.

The Fair Work Act represents a dramatic shift away from Work Choices – or does it? Discuss

Shortage and uneven distribution of physicians worldwide


Accounting article

Write a critique of a professional research article that summarizes, critically analyzes, and evaluates a published research article in the field of your major.  You may find it helpful to go to a professor in your discipline for recommendations on articles, or you may go to the computer database in the library and choose an article that interests you.  This must be an article in a professional journal, not just a magazine. In the Reserve Library under my name, English 3003, and Science 3010, there is a book, Readings from the Disciplines by Hult, where you can either find an article or get an idea of the type of article that you are looking for.  There is a sample essay in WD, pp.115-117.
Unlike the last out-of-class essay, your object here is to critically analyze and evaluate the writing of a research article, not the issue. You may decide to focus on the experiment/research and the way it is presented, certain passages in the article, the way the writer uses evidence, counter arguments that challenge the writer’s argument, the way the writer uses language, rhetorical elements used by the writer, the scientific method used by the author, or a combination of these things.  Pages 72-74 in WD will give you specific strategies for analyzing and evaluating texts.  Remember you are looking for several things to analyze and a connection between those things in order to support a thesis. You must also analyze the form of the article, comment on how that aids or doesn’t aid your understanding of the article, and discuss whether or not the form conforms to the conventions of the discipline.  Pages 285-88 or 404-407 or 490-95 in Writing in the Disciplines will provide you with information on the required form for articles in the different disciplines; read the section that applies to your article.
•    The research article that you will be evaluating MUST be approved by me beforehand.
•    Chap 3 pp. 69-117, Chap 4 p.143 & Chap 1 pp. 24-27 will help you with writing a critical analysis essay.

American History

Discuss the changing role of the Federal Government, from the 1860's to the 1980’s. What were some of the key issues and events that caused these changes? (think: foreign, social, and economic issues/challenges)

External and Internal Environments

Choose an industry you have not yet written about in this course, and one publicly traded corporation
within that industry. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and
Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University's online
databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help
address some of these questions.

Write an six 6 page paper in which you:
1. Choose the two (2) segments of the general environment that would rank highest in their
influence on the corporation you chose. Assess how these segments affect the corporation you
chose and the industry in which it operates.
2. Considering the five (5) forces of competition, choose the two (2) that you estimate are the most
significant for the corporation you chose. Evaluate how well the company has addressed these
two (2) forces in the recent past.
3. With the same two (2) forces in mind, predict what the company might do to improve its ability to
address these forces in the near future.
4. Assess the external threats affecting this corporation and the opportunities available to the
corporation. Give your opinions on how the corporation should deal with the most serious threat
and the greatest opportunity. Justify your answer.
5. Give your opinion on the corporation's greatest strengths and most significant weaknesses.
Choose the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to take maximum advantage of its
strengths, and the strategy or tactic the corporation should select to fix its most significant
weakness. Justify your choices.
6. Determine the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
7. Analyze the company’s value chain to determine where they can create using the resources,
capabilities, and core competencies discussed above.
8. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as
academic resources.

public policy analysis on a chosen issue

Why gun laws in the US should be more harsh. etc. I adress the problem in a policy analytical manner. And give a solution or a compromise for the issue.
Any help is really appreciated

Emergency Preparedness & Response: Bioterrorism Agents- Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B

Acces the information on the assigned agent/disease at the CDC website (  to complete the assignment. If information is not available at the CDC you may use other refereed sites like the WHO ( world health Organization) .

The following areas are to be addressed in the paper
1.    Explanation of disease with other names used to indicate this disease
a.    Background info
2.    Pathogenesis
3.    Clinical manifestations
4.    Diagnosis
5.    Vaccination
6.    Treatment
7.    Prognosis
8.    Statistics r/t disease
9.    Bioterrorism information
a.    Post-exposure prophylaxis
b.    Infection control & environmental decontamination

effects of the civil war

Choose a topic relevant to the history of the United States before 1877 and analyze three academic book-length studies on the subject matter.  Students’ literature reviews should address the three studies’ theoretical perspectives, uses of primary sources, main arguments, strengths, weaknesses, oversights, and areas of confusion or surprise, in addition to the student’s interpretations and future possible directions for the study of the topic.

Additionally, the literature reviews must include a clear and specific thesis or main argument in the introduction, which also briefly outlines the main issues under consideration and what the essay intends to accomplish.  The body of the essay must provide evidence in support of the thesis, using topic sentences to advance parts of the argument and transitions to link these sub-arguments in a logical order.  The conclusion should sum up the main argument and discuss its broader implications.

They also must employ correct spelling, grammar, and syntax.  All quotations and paraphrases from the sources should be cited as footnotes or endnotes following the Chicago Manual of Style. 

And I pick a topic for you, the topic is the effects of the Civil War.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

In your opinion, what role should the government play in healthcare? Explain.

What is a public option? Why is it controversial? What role does the public option currently play in healthcare reform?

How will the law affect business? Specifically, what requirements does the law place on employers?

What are health insurance exchanges?

discuss how the film The Pianist rejects notion that the Jews did not fight back.

discuss how the film The Pianist rejects notion that the Jews did not fight back. Focus on the artist figure but consider Jew awhole.

Biblical Worldview of Accounting(chosen vocation)

The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to practice your chosen major/program of study in a manner consistent with a biblical/Christian worldview. For this assignment, you will write a 600–1000-word essay addressing the following topic:

Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that mankind is created in the image of God. Explain how this belief affects the way you interact with people within your chosen vocation.
Considerations for assignment:
1.    The word belief in this assignment is essentially synonymous with the word doctrine.
2.    It would be wise to select the chosen vocation that you intend to have upon graduation.
3.    Provide 2 or 3 specific examples of how the theological truth (mankind is created in the image of God) is lived out in your chosen vocation.
4.    Be sure to incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course sources.
5.    Be sure to incorporate at least 3 relevant biblical references.
6.    The purpose of the assignment is not to discuss how you will evangelize within a chosen vocation; rather, the assignment must focus on how the understanding that mankind is created in the image of God effects the way your vocation is performed.
7.    Example from business: since mankind is created in the image of God, as an accountant, I should not cheat others out of money. (This example would be substantiated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within the essay.)
Structure of assignment:
•    Introduction (approximately 100 words)
•    Example 1 (approximately 200–250 words)
•    Example 2 (approximately 200–250 words)
•    (Optional) Example 3 (approximately 200–250 words)
•    Conclusion (approximately 100 words)
Format your paper in a Microsoft Word document using current APA, MLA, or Turabian style (whichever corresponds to your degree program). Review the Biblical Worldview Essay Grading Rubric to see the specific grading criteria by which you will be evaluated before submitting your essay.


Core journals are a reflection on what has been discussed in class as well as a expression of your own ideas, backed with a solid argument. Your journal should be  TWO full pages long and double-spaced in order to earn all 5 points reserved for this assignment. Instructions:

Learn about someone openly intersexual. Based on the class reading and assignment on the topic, answer the following questions:

1). Tell about this person’s life. Detail the hardships s/he has endured and whether s/he considers herself/himself a happy person and why.

2). If you had the authority and power to “change” something about this person, what would you change? Why would you change it? Why would you not? Explain